Wayne State University

Aim Higher

Ongoing Projects and Interdisciplinary Research:

     CTBIR has at its core both human and animal magnets (1.5T/3T human and 4.7T/7T/12T animal systems) which provide state-of-the-art imaging capabilities. Ongoing research conducted within our MR Research Facility (MRRF) has been centered on advanced imaging techniques such as susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), MR spectroscopic imaging (MRSI), perfusion weighted imaging (PWI), manganese-enhanced MRI (MEMRI), morphometric imaging, functional connectivity MRI (fcMRI), quantitative volumetry quantitative EEG (qEEG), evoked and eventrelated potentials (EP/ERP) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Another strength is the ready availability of a blast models for war personnel. Standard methods such as molecular biology techniques, neural behavioral tests of animal models, neuropsychological and clinical assessment, are also available. The new CTBIR will provide the environment for testing new technologies and new clinical translational research directions with applications in public health and in the military as well. This will allow for "bench to bedside" research with the main goal being better treatment for TBI. The framework of research at our center is depicted in Figure 1 where specific ongoing projects are listed. The three major directions of research in TBI will include: basic science research to reveal physiological, pathological and neurobiological mechanisms of TBI with imaging; development of imaging methodology per se to better serve as biomarkers for TBI in the clinical and basic science domains; and clinical and translational research to improve clinical and functional outcome prediction and enhance treatment with imaging.

     Our overarching hypothesis is that the heterogeneous and complex nature of TBI requires a comprehensive effort to better understand the disease and to manage the patients. Our central scheme is to use imaging tools to integrate the investigation of the poly-pathology of TBI in both animal models and human patients with the treatment of TBI. We strongly believe that this synergistic effort will deliver a much greater impact than a simple addition of individual groups or projects and provide fodder for major funding. These projects are organized according to three arms: imaging, fundamental mechanisms and treatment.